The dumb Biden and Trump debate

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Aside from all the bullshit boasting he does about being the absolute best at everything, he does nothing but play into his supporter’s insecurities; and not in a good way. A president should acknowledge and listen to what the people are nervous or worried about, but Trump uses that knowledge and exploits it. He straight up manipulates people.
All politicians are assholes and they all lie and spin stuff, but Trump simply preys on his supporters
At some point not long ago you could have convinced me you were objective. You pretty clearly are not.
Meh, I think your reading a bit much into it, none of us think Trump is Jesus, we all get what he is and that he has a big ego, we just lost all the give a shits we had left. At this point we are done worrying about all the drama you guys are so caught up in..
As long as no democrats are pissed off about being lied to for the last 3-4 years, about all the made up by democrats Russia bullshit, about democrats using the entire justice system to take down a political opponent in a completely illegal manner, about democrats corrupting 3 branches of govt for their own means, and about democrats using social media to spread nothing but lies while they accused everyone else of what they themselves were doing, we just don’t give a shit anymore.
You guys had a good run, but nobody on our side cares anymore about being called racist or extreme or any other pet names democrats have used until it doesn’t mean anything anymore, so you’ll have to regroup and come up with better shit to fling at the walls

Meanwhile. charveldan is somewhere wetting himself and thinking about self emulation 🤣
I love this post so much.
democrats using social media to spread nothing but lies while they accused everyone else of what they themselves were doing

Now Magoo's no good gold digging whore wife is on a Podium doin her best to keep the Money Train Rolling..
It's beyond weak as fuck that she's up there running her mouth while Magoo stands back looking like he's pissing his pants.. BIDEN IS WEAK.
She's been doin the roll the music credits role, running out to save him from disaster for a while now.

Truly a bizzaro world..


I prefer truck-stop-tranny money grubbing whore succubus... but you ain't wrong!
No question about who "won". The reality that we have a rematch between oatmeal brains and the cheeto is surreal and somewhat depressing. But who wants that job anymore?!

What we're left with is two sides of the same shit covered coin ultimately....the uniparty is real....and dangerous....and doesn't give two fucks about you, me or our families. Full stop. But that's a whole other topic for another thread.

That said....I'm a small business owner and policy matters....specifically, regulatory and tax policy. This leaves me no choice....I vote red every time, no hesitation. Social policy means almost nothing to me. It has almost no effect on my day to day life. How I get bent over and poked up the ass year after year with regulatory and tax burden does. It's very family and my business did better under Trump. Republican policies are always better in this regard. Trump will get my vote for a third time. Perfectly honest, if Animal from the Muppets had an "R" next to his name, he'd get my vote for president.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Clearly some of the guys commenting in this thread are suffering from this ailment. The Democrat party has gone full insanity. How any of you can still defend what has happened over the last three and half years crystalizes the mental disorder. How any of you could watch last nights event and still think Biden is the better option is full insane asylum behavior. Is Trump amazing? No. Do I like him? No. Is he a good person? No. Would I piss on him if he was on fire? Possibly.

After watching the angry old man with dementia last night not blink the whole time and fail at spitting out pre planned I feel safe knowing he has the nuclear codes? Fuck one should. It should terrify you. How could any of you defend this man? It's pure lunacy!!

This is a failed president. You lunatics that can't get past your hatred for Trump and use your brains are responsible. Our country is weaker, less prosperous and more dangerous because of oatmeal brains and his handlers. But Trump is an you mental patients will vote for the old man with dementia again. I'm so tired of watching people try to defend this...HE HAS DEMENTIA!!!

I will admit....watching the epic meltdown of the pieces of shit in the corrupt, biased media over the course of the day has been so satisfying.
For over five decades Biden has destroyed American lives through predatory laws, turned everything he touched to shit, pitted society against itself over and over, continues to further the globalist agenda, and sold out the US numerous times to benefit himself. Not to mention that he couldn't take the time or care to even raise or guide his own child to become a standup citizen, but Trump is a big ol meany head!
Biden 2024!
No question about who "won". The reality that we have a rematch between oatmeal brains and the cheeto is surreal and somewhat depressing. But who wants that job anymore?!

What we're left with is two sides of the same shit covered coin ultimately....the uniparty is real....and dangerous....and doesn't give two fucks about you, me or our families. Full stop. But that's a whole other topic for another thread.

That said....I'm a small business owner and policy matters....specifically, regulatory and tax policy. This leaves me no choice....I vote red every time, no hesitation. Social policy means almost nothing to me. It has almost no effect on my day to day life. How I get bent over and poked up the ass year after year with regulatory and tax burden does. It's very family and my business did better under Trump. Republican policies are always better in this regard. Trump will get my vote for a third time. Perfectly honest, if Animal from the Muppets had an "R" next to his name, he'd get my vote for president.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Clearly some of the guys commenting in this thread are suffering from this ailment. The Democrat party has gone full insanity. How any of you can still defend what has happened over the last three and half years crystalizes the mental disorder. How any of you could watch last nights event and still think Biden is the better option is full insane asylum behavior. Is Trump amazing? No. Do I like him? No. Is he a good person? No. Would I piss on him if he was on fire? Possibly.

After watching the angry old man with dementia last night not blink the whole time and fail at spitting out pre planned I feel safe knowing he has the nuclear codes? Fuck one should. It should terrify you. How could any of you defend this man? It's pure lunacy!!

This is a failed president. You lunatics that can't get past your hatred for Trump and use your brains are responsible. Our country is weaker, less prosperous and more dangerous because of oatmeal brains and his handlers. But Trump is an you mental patients will vote for the old man with dementia again. I'm so tired of watching people try to defend this...HE HAS DEMENTIA!!!

I will admit....watching the epic meltdown of the pieces of shit in the corrupt, biased media over the course of the day has been so satisfying.

Even the Neanderthal gets it.
For over five decades Biden has destroyed American lives through predatory laws, turned everything he touched to shit, pitted society against itself over and over, continues to further the globalist agenda, and sold out the US numerous times to benefit himself. Not to mention that he couldn't take the time or care to even raise or guide his own child to become a standup citizen, but Trump is a big ol meany head!
Biden 2024!
He seems like a nice man.

Just watch for who Obama installs next. I'm sure they will be more destructive than Joe.

Make no mistake, Obama allowed him to appear last night because he's served his purpose. In the meantime, we have 6 months of wondering what other world leaders will do knowing that the corpse that inhabits the white house is not able to react when a red phone rings at 3 AM.
Just watch for who Obama installs next. I'm sure they will be more destructive than Joe.

Make no mistake, Obama allowed him to appear last night because he's served his purpose. In the meantime, we have 6 months of wondering what other world leaders will do knowing that the corpse that inhabits the white house is not able to react when a red phone rings at 3 AM.
This is the truly terrifying part.
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At some point not long ago you could have convinced me you were objective. You pretty clearly are not.
He's purposefully obtuse; consistently contrarian; and if given facts and stats finds ways to attempt to diminish / negate them without providing counter stats / facts, just feels and opinion.

Conversations can be amusing but usually pointless.

Indifference works well enough for me. Once you see reality, truth and facts, and look back at US history it can't be unseen.

Every once in awhile our ruling parasites let some truth "slip out" - unclear if it's intentional or not; either these people are stupid or have an agenda, or both; few are objectively stupid - they are simply speaking to a subset of the people in a way to get their support; if it sounds ridiculous it just means you're not the target demographic for that message.

One of my favorite "truth slips" is ole' Schmucky Schumer:

at 0:52.

you realize the elected ruling parasites aren't running the government, the federal bureaucracies are; Schumer's warning is clear: FAFO. Go against them and they will destroy you; Trump is a great example.

Then there's Biden publicly threatening to take out the nordstreams months before he gave the green light.

Plenty of other examples: the wide open borders, sanctuary cities using taxpayer funds for illegal invaders while veterans and American citizens are homeless, Soros-fund prosecutors who don't prosecute crimes,...

Banana republic; kangaroo courts; bureaucratic totalitarian state.

when you're on a sinking ship, you have three options: try to save it, abandon it or sink with it. choose wisely.
How would this have went over
suppose trump 10 minutes into it said Im calling this off. I cant debate a confused old man who does not have the mental capacity
to decisively and clearly answer questions. and walked off.
ida done something like that.
And they would use that to roast you for eternity.
Trump was full of shit and lied about obviously untrue, easily disprovable things the whole time, did not answer a single question as asked.

Host: "What is your plan for combating climate change?"
Trump: "Police LOVE me and they HATE Biden!"
Host: "Thank you Mr President"

Biden actually had specific answers for stuff here and there but looked like the Crypt Keeper's stunt double and seemed like he was about to die on stage.

I think America lost the debate.
You could see it that way if you were dishonest. You are leaving out the lie that proceeded him saying that. The one where Biden said that the majority of police in this country support him. Trump used a portion of his time to defend himself against that lie. You may as well face the facts. No one with a brain supports Biden, and Trump will be the next POTUS. There is no replacing him now, and you are stuck with your choice. He can’t be replaced in at least 3 swing states unless he dies, or gets 25th’d, and even if that happens it is clear that the people want Trump. You can falsely accuse him of whatever you like, but it isn’t going to change the fact that he is the next POTUS. Pack your bags and flee to one of those marxists shitholes that your ilk has tried so hard to fashion our country into, because you ain’t going to be happy with what is coming.