ejecta":3f2l1x3t said:
sah5150":3f2l1x3t said:
Of course, I can still choose to believe that what someone else believes is completely ridiculous.
Steve Im not writing this directly to you as Im just speaking generally to an idea here. Real quick though, I too grew up in a very religious household and completely understand where you are coming from as I too walked away from it at one point as I too had had enough. Anyway thats another story, the only reason I qouted what you said is because it sparked a thought Id like to share. While I too hate "religious institutions" as in the institutions that men use to further their own agenda, (btw Jesus hated that also) I find that not all religions or beliefs in God are just that.
That said, I also find it inconsistant to claim that all religions are man made and just thought up. Let me explain... to do so is to claim that you have the ability sit back and see everything in this world and history as a whole. It also smacks of the idea that you have total knowledge of all history and complete understanding how the world works and where things orginate from..... ie you claim to know it all as you know for a fact that all religions are based on a falsehood. I find it ironic that the finger is always pointed at "religious" people as the ones that are close minded know-it-alls, when the ones who say such things are just as guilty of the same when they try and prove people of faith are wrong to believe in what they do.
I personally find it better to not lump people and their beliefs into big stereo typical groups and alow alot of room in this world for some mystery and awe at the complex world we live in. Just my worlthless .02
This is a very well thought out, but misguided analysis of what I said. Of course, you did say you were speaking generally and not directly to me, but since you did quote me, allow me to retort...
The bottom line is that I don't claim to have a total understanding of history, nor do I think all people who have religious beliefs are close minded. I'm not lumping all people together in any way. What I am lumping together is the general belief across most religions I know of that there is a god that you have to in some way worship/pray to/whatever to thank him/her and to obtain passage to some divine place in the afterlife. It isn't history that makes me think this concept is ridiculous, it is what I can feel/see/touch/etc. I see no evidence today, right now, that this concept of god is anything more than a man made story. Everything I see can be explained without the concept of a god. I don't believe in blind faith. To believe something, I need evidence. If god wants to cruise over and have a chat, I'm all ears. Surely he can take some time out of his busy day to make himself known to all of use in a concrete way. Just my, even more worthless, .02...