theNoseBleedKid":3ral450x said:
Odin":3ral450x said:
I agree with you that it's extreme overkill for a person to risk his own life to steal my TV. But I can't make the choice for them, if they choose to victimize me I will defend myself and my property. The choice is theirs - free will and personal responsibility.
Which while being fair is painfully terrible way to live. Why not try to improve soicial or educational conditions in your community so crime rates are lessened? Works here! You've got such a skewed logic it's amazing, I honestly cannot comprehend someone who thinks taking a human life can possibily be justified when someone takes a tv, thats absurd. I guess all the stereotypes we learnt about Texans were true.
I don't live a painfully terrible life, I live a peaceful happy life. But I accept the reality that humans are naturally predators, and that some of them will be criminals regardless of what their family or community or government says or does. And so I have a responsibility to guard against, and be prepared for, the actions of those predatory criminals to ensure that my peaceful happy life is not disrupted by predatory criminals.
If you believe that all predatory criminal behavior in the human species can be somehow eliminated then you are beyond delusional and I must stop debating this with you. If you believe that there is a chance that a predatory criminal may be in my community for any reason then you must agree that I have a responsibility to protect myself and my family (even if we disagree on the method by which I defend myself).
I am not against "improving soicial or educational conditions in your community so crime rates are lessened" but that is not a guarantee against criminals, therefore I will continue to be prepared to defend myself as long as criminals exist.
And I do not think that a human life should be taken for a property crime, which is why I will never risk my life to commit a property crime. But I have already made the decision that if any predator (man or animal) threatens me or my family in any way that i will defend myself and my family and my property vigorously and swiftly, and the entirety of the responsibility for my actions will be held by the person who chose to victimize me. My decision has already been made as to my reaction to an attack on me, so the decision to risk a life lies solely with the criminal. If you want to reduce the loss of human life then please try to convince criminals not to victimize me or my family.
My attitude is prevalent in Texas, and Texans use lethal force almost daily to defend their property and lives against criminals. Nobody here is crying for the criminals who are injured or killed by law abiding citizens. We don't like criminals, we don't want criminals among us, and nearly everyone from kids to little old ladies to district attorneys to juries supports the use of force, including deadly force, againt criminals. And a great many people are armed. This is common knowledge in Texas. Yet knowing all of this thousands of criminals will try their luck every year. You cannot change the will of a stranger intent on victimizing you, but you can defend yourself.
theNoseBleedKid":3ral450x said:
What, exactly, is guns effect on crime rate? Please enlighten us as to the effect that inanimate objects have on the actions of people. Also, please list all inanimate objects which affect the crime rate, not just guns.
Guns ownership on gun related crime, in Australia, correlates pretty well. We took the guns away, the gun related crime rate plumeted without a similar rise in other type of armed robberies. I don't see why providing crinimals with more powerful tools to create crime is seen as a good thing. There are many inanimate objects that could potentially affect crime rate, guns are just the worst of them.
"Gun related crime"? If you take cars away there will be no more "car related crime". If you ban water there will be no more drownings. Yet you still have not addressed the one responsible for the crimes - the criminals. Just a minute ago you were preaching about helping people to stop their criminal ways and better themselves, now you're talking about banning inanimate objects. Which is it, do criminals need the community ot help them or are the guns the problem?
I own a great many guns, and none of them has ever committed a crime, caused a crime, or influenced me to commit a crime. I am wearing 2 guns at this very moment (as I do every day) and I am not feeling the urge to commit a crime, nor am I afraid that my guns will harm me or anyone else.
If guns cause crime then pencils cause misspelled words.
theNoseBleedKid":3ral450x said:
It is not possible to completely remove all guns from any society, therefore any arttempt will only disarm the law abiding and leave the criminal element armed. This gives the advantage to the criminal.
Also, your simplistic idea of "adequate protection" is laughable. You think a locked door and a baseball bat will prtect a disabled elderly woman from a 6'6" 250lb criminal who just kicked in her locked door? Not every person is trained and prepared for hand-to-hand combat self defense, and not every person wants to be (or needs to be).
Maybe not YOUR society, why not aim for a better tomorrow, without armed robberies or Virginia Tech murders? So if that disabled elderly woman had a massive assault rifle, but was the the wrong part of her house, it'd still be effective? We could spend days coming up with potential scenarios where having a gun would work, and having a gun wouldn't, it's a rather mute point.
We can aim for a better tomorrow all you want, in the mean time I won't bury my head in the sand and hope for the best, I'll be armed.
theNoseBleedKid":3ral450x said:
If guns cause crime then population shouldn't have any effect on crime once you ban guns. Not until you antigun types comprehend that a gun is an inanimate object that bears no responsibility for anything will you begin to see the rteality of the situation. Criminals will victimize people regardless of the laws, and law abiding citizens are the only ones effected by banning guns.
Guns do not cause crime, they provide more options and an esier pathway for criminals to wreak more haoc within a society, whether that actually happens is different for every community. Since America has always toted guns as the next messia you've hardly got an alternative to compare crime rates or deaths with. Population DOES matter, we got many poor immigrants, badly educated, some resorted to crime. Do we legalise assault rifles to blast them to oblivion? No, we give them compassion, a better education, and a new opportunity. Not all respect what they've been given, but enough do to warrant those programs being their, and our crime rate dropped again.
Criminals do not deserve "compassion, a better education, and a new opportunity", they deserve to be dealt with swiftly and harshly. If some choose to give them a second chance then that's their choice, but I do not. Don't bother me and I'll not bother you.
Guns are tools. Without guns criminals would find or improvise other tools to create the leverage they require to victimize the innocent. This problem existed before guns and will exist after guns. You can choose to arm yourself with the most effective defense mechanism available or you can hope nothing ever happens to you.
Do you have a spare tire for your car? Do you have insurance? Do you wear seatbelts? These are things that you have and hope to never need. A gun is the same - I carry 2 guns daily and hope to not need them, but in the event I need a gun it is probably the only tool that will save my life at that particular moment. My life is worth saving in my opinion so I take responsibility for protecting it.
theNoseBleedKid":3ral450x said:
I don't have to justify firearm ownership, nor do I have to justify the type of gun I own. My country's Constitution protects that inalienable right.
There is no such thing as killing and maiming with "as much brutal power" - maimed is maimed and killed is killed, whether it's done with a gun or a hammer or a hand. There are no degrees to lethality, dead is dead.
You sound as if you presume all people to be criminals unless they prove themselves innocent and worthy of self defense - I feel sorry for any defendant that has you on their jury.
That's one of the problems with that right, no justification needed, thats ridiculous. Increased scrutiny towards any law can only be of benefit to a democracy. Further attempting to improve your government and your laws can only be seen as a good thing. I hold the beleif that many of America's guns laws (and plenty of Australia laws) are outdated and need reviewing.
My point was convoluted, I'll try again. If I got caught in the middle of a shooting at a school, or mall, or university I'd rather know the shooter had a 9mm pistol then one of those giants posted earlier in the thread, maybe it's all perception, maybe not. Thats MY preference.
We don't really do jury duty here, I know of ONE person thats ever been called to it, so luckily neither you, not I, nor the defendant will ever likely have a problem with my bias.
The right to keep and bear arms in the US is not a law, it is an inalienable right that our founding fathers specifically said that the government was not permitted to infringe upon. In the US, the people have the right to do anything that is not prohibited by law, and the government only has the right to do that which it is specifically permitted to do by law.