I wish you all could come over

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Why not block or ignore me instead of feeling the need to have the last word or continue to troll me "sister" Lisa? :)

If I didn't know any better, I would think you actually believe the bs that you keep posting.
I would link all of the conversations regarding your extraordinary insanity, but unfortunately everyone has already seen it over and over.
If you're going to show up to Techy's you should probably bring a box of tissues.
Now, is there anything else or are you done with the gaslighting psychotic fantasies?
If I didn't know any better, I would think you actually believe the bs that you keep posting.
I would link all of the conversations regarding your extraordinary insanity, but unfortunately everyone has already seen it over and over.
If you're going to show up to Techy's you should probably bring a box of tissues.
Now, is there anything else or are you done with the gaslighting psychotic fantasies?
Read my long comment. I know it's hard for you to grasp the concept of a genuine sincere comment but you actually take the time to read instead of trolling and continually posting your reverse psychology bullshit, people might take you seriously. I meant what I said in the long comment and people are afraid afraid your mental state.....

I really wish things had worked out differently. We could had done some great giveaways and forum activities!
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Lol imagine if this guys "wife and daughters" (like they exist) knew what he does online. What a creepy douchebag ?
Why do I need to prove they exist to forum trolls who can't even comprehend simple things? Tell me why would I feel the need to prove anything to you and NowYourePlayingWithPower, what makes you guys feel the need to troll me continually? You both have a rep of trolling here and they are known to doxx members, you both are the true creeps of the forums. It's funny that whenever you challenge me, I rise to the occasion respectfully but whenever I ask you both to prove something you resolve to petty kiddish insults and can prove nothing. I would expect nothing less ;)
He does not give up.
It's a bit crazy how delusional he is.
No, actually it's a lot crazy.
I've proven you both wrong on multiple things and even when Von or I try to patch things you troll. Have you ever thought that if you both earned my trust maybe I'd privately message a video of me, my wife and kids if you'd ask nicely? That chance is probably gone now but why would I even lie? Especially hilarious when I proved you both wrong on everything else ? ? ?
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EA I Stop my PREMIUM access for Microsoft directly - you lost - Answer HQ
Eh, I already had let things go. Seems like these two aren't finished yet lol Oh well. The mods will deal with them. It's sad that even when people try to make peace, the other party feels the need to get reinforcement but that's the boy who called wolf.

This would have/should have been over long ago.
Hey there Lisa. Hope you're having a good morning!

Let me just say this as my closing thoughts that I do not wish to fight and honestly never did mean for this to go as far as it did because I do want you to know that these comments were never meant to hurt you.....

First off,
I don't understand how you can throw unprovoked tantrums and place the blame on me, Von or the mods - which YOU did in fact do. I'm not the one obsessed, I'm not the one acting that way. And if I've actually hurt you I'm sorry.

Secondly and maybe most importantly,
You've only known me based on a couple threads and not the stories you have made up about me on different forums and basement dwelling kidnapping or whatever. I have already proven you wrong on alot of things with videos, including success. You have never bothered to seek information about me from the source (myself) or admit when you were proven wrong so that just stirred up more drama. From our very first interaction here, you attacked me. Not the other way around. People asked you to move on from it and from then on, you became obsessed. I understand that my sarcasm and joking around on the forum may not be taken in the way initially directed so I am partially to blame for the miscommunication but I can't be to blame for your actions. I don't think that's particularly fair.

Same with the mental issues, those are projections and illusions based on your anger and not on my actions. If you were serious about being the more mature one, you wouldn't have wrote such insulting words but it is what it is and I'm just tired to be honest. And moreover, you keep making claims that I have lied on the forum. I have proven that I have over 40 guitars, 5 pedalboards, multiple amps, that I'm a houseowner on the lake, play at a megachurch etc. The only I haven't proven is my facebook followers and I think we all know why I don't want to share my personal facebook.

I'm good if you're good ❤
We all need peace, and I'm not sure exactly what about my comments on this thread triggered you. Hoping we can find some common ground, people keep matching us up and saying we are butting heads because we are so much alike. If you really do find me to be that big of a problem or a thorn in your side, then you are free block me - no hurt feelings here, if you don't block me then you're probably going to see me around and people's responses to me. As I said before there are really only 3 people that have an issue with me, you, WizardAmpIphoneClip and Skoora. Skoora blocked me because I told him to. I admit that I've gotten into squabbles with people here and there buy the vast majority have gotten past it and are able to talk about gear with me. I think that's the way it's supposed to be. Don't you?

I want to work with you, not against you. I think if we could do this much in negative balance, maybe we can do even more in positive reaction like host a giveaway together or something.

Send one good guitar to me or I call bullshit ?
Send one good guitar to me or I call bullshit ?

There's over 40 in house here. Already proved it with videos, if anything I'll send you the Esteban which is more than you deserve ? ? ?