MT100 Clips

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Not getting it on this one. Plastic is a good description. And I’ve really liked a bunch of his other clips, dude gets some great tones. But not here, yuck. Just my opinion based on one clip.
Imma be honest- as a big tremonti fan - dude just seems like a good guy, I don’t understand how someone who has played every amp under the sun thinks this amp sounds good- not even bad for the price but just doesn’t sound good to me
Shut up. Just shut up!! You have a Larry. All amps disappear into the shadows of a Larry’s greatness!
...Apparently except Ground Zero amps. Guys that go to Jeremy's house have said that his amps smoke his Larry.
The exact same pattern happens every time a big amp is released

Phase 1: Rumors/Rumblings. Excitement and positivity

Phase 2: Amp is announced. More excitement and happiness.

Phase 3: The first demos are released. Lots of negativity and “my xxx stomps on that thing”

Phase 4: A couple months go by and as more and more people get their hands on it, the negativity turns to “this is actually a killer amp”
Exactly on Phase 3. No one but Mark, Fluff & Kyle actually know yet.

Here's my take. Mark wants to take all his favorite amps and make one amp that excels at those tones for live & touring use. <--- That's the key. An amp that excels for live & touring is NOT necessarily the same amp that excels in the bedroom wanker or YT demo community. Example- the IIC+ is one of the best home / recorded tones ever, but it sucks live. Another example- the JCM800 sucks in the bedroom, but it's one of the best live amps ever.

Get back to work & give it some time. We'll know more when guys like @Racerxrated get his. He's ruthless, so either it'll be in the classifieds the next week or it won't.
Exactly on Phase 3. No one but Mark, Fluff & Kyle actually know yet.

Here's my take. Mark wants to take all his favorite amps and make one amp that excels at those tones for live & touring use. <--- That's the key. An amp that excels for live & touring is NOT necessarily the same amp that excels in the bedroom wanker or YT demo community. Example- the IIC+ is one of the best home / recorded tones ever, but it sucks live. Another example- the JCM800 sucks in the bedroom, but it's one of the best live amps ever.

Get back to work & give it some time. We'll know more when guys like @Racerxrated get his. He's ruthless, so either it'll be in the classifieds the next week or it won't.
...or returned :ROFLMAO:

I would mention though that 800s ARE a decent home playing amp; with a pedal of course.
Best of both worlds :giggle:

The one thing I WON'T do, is compare it to any of my vintage amps. Whole different category.
I'm not overwhelmed by any of it, honestly. Even though I said the OD channel said it had a bit of Bogner Blue flavor to it, based on these clips, my 50 watt XTC wipes the floor with it.
Yeah I don’t care if it’s 3 channels when seemingly no one that’s considered “the guy” in their respective YT marketing circles can make it sound good.

Many amps I’d take with more functionality used based on what I’m hearing.


A 3rd power kitchen sink shits all over it top to bottom.

Well duh!! It’s also not that n the same category from a build or pricing standpoint. Dozens of amps will shit all over it.
Exactly on Phase 3. No one but Mark, Fluff & Kyle actually know yet.

Here's my take. Mark wants to take all his favorite amps and make one amp that excels at those tones for live & touring use. <--- That's the key. An amp that excels for live & touring is NOT necessarily the same amp that excels in the bedroom wanker or YT demo community. Example- the IIC+ is one of the best home / recorded tones ever, but it sucks live. Another example- the JCM800 sucks in the bedroom, but it's one of the best live amps ever.

Get back to work & give it some time. We'll know more when guys like @Racerxrated get his. He's ruthless, so either it'll be in the classifieds the next week or it won't.
I loved the 800’s and other vintage Marshall’s I had in the bedroom too as long as they were sufficiently loud
Yeah I don’t care if it’s 3 channels when seemingly no one that’s considered “the guy” in their respective YT marketing circles can make it sound good.

Many amps I’d take with more functionality used based on what I’m hearing.

Well duh!! It’s also not that n the same category from a build or pricing standpoint. Dozens of amps will shit all over it.
Yep....Can't really compare boutique amps that are killer, and are 2X the price of this one....

I still say clips are NOT very reliable. Gotta play them for yourself; or trust someone else's ears that thinks the same way when it comes to tone, because we all hear stuff differently.
Maybe the bias was super low; no one checked? Maybe it reacts well to tube rolling?
Or maybe it sucks?

Hopefully some of us get one soon...
Yep....Can't really compare boutique amps that are killer, and are 2X the price of this one....

I still say clips are NOT very reliable. Gotta play them for yourself; or trust someone else's ears that thinks the same way when it comes to tone, because we all hear stuff differently.
Maybe the bias was super low; no one checked? Maybe it reacts well to tube rolling?
Or maybe it sucks?

Hopefully some of us get one soon...
Channel 2 of the amp is loosely based on a dumble build is it not? Double the cost or not, the amps in question are dirt cheap compared when you get into Dumble - there’s just better options out there for any channel of the amp if you’re spending $2k already. That is my personal point.
Channel 2 of the amp is loosely based on a dumble build is it not? Double the cost or not, the amps in question are dirt cheap compared when you get into Dumble - there’s just better options out there for any channel of the amp if you’re spending $2k already. That is my personal point.
Well, I'd like to think most will buy the amp based on the lead channel, and a nice clean IF needed. That's the meat of the amp, Mark's 2 fav heavy tones-Triple Rec, and Uber...that are what the lead channel is based on. For me anyway, that's where I'll spend most of my time. The OD channel sounds like a good candidate for what I'd use for actual leads since Kyle mentioned how mid spiked it is..and I think Mark tried to get the 'feel' of a Dumble more than anything. I've never had the opportunity to play a Dumble, but I do appreciate an amp with nice feel.
But if people buy it expecting the OD channel to really approach a Dumble, I'd imagine they'd be disappointed....even the 10k D style amps don't get there according to guys who've had that opportunity to play both.
Let's say all 3 channels are usable; Lead channel for heavy rhythms, OD for the leads/cut, and the clean is nice and Fender-y....for just under 2k the only other amp I can think of that competes at that price is the big boy EVH, and they are 500-700 more....
If it's a solid amp that sounds good, then they'll have a hit imo. I won't expect it to sound amazing, at that price point.
I pre-ordered one. I have always found it's hard to judge an amp off youtube clips and just like any other amp some clips can sound great others not so much, same goes for this. To say that an amp that you heard just from a youtube clip wipes the floor with an amp that you acutally own and have gotten to play seems so silly to me. I am a little disappointed in 2 things with this amp, that one it doesn't have MIDI and a bigger thing is that it doesn't come with a 4 ohm tap. This is really odd to me considering Mark uses 2 Mesa 4x12's cabinets, that I would guess are 8 ohms with one amp now. So now I have to build a series box just to run my 2, 8 ohm 4x12 cabinets with this amp at 16 ohms. That to me is a huge miss by PRS, I mean every other 100 watt amp has a 4 ohm tap.
I am excited to play this amp and see what it's all about.
I pre-ordered one. I have always found it's hard to judge an amp off youtube clips and just like any other amp some clips can sound great others not so much, same goes for this. To say that an amp that you heard just from a youtube clip wipes the floor with an amp that you acutally own and have gotten to play seems so silly to me.
Somehow, veterans who have been in the game for years still fall victim to this. I don’t get it 😂
If it came with a built in reverb and gate, MIDI and some power options, this amp could be $4k. Then people would be gushing over it.
Somehow, veterans who have been in the game for years still fall victim to this. I don’t get it 😂
I get it; clips are all we have sometimes but after years of trying amps out, comparing etc I've come to the obvious conclusion that I'd rather take someone's opinion who's actually PLAYED the amp, vs someone's take on a clip.
Sweetwater just contacted me so it should be soon, very surprised was thinking it wouldn't be for another month or so.
Fucker rips some ditch on the lead channel! I’m in the honeymoon stages right now, but I’ll just say it’s definitely a cool amp. Lead channel is smoother then my other amps on the top end, has more aggressiveness in more of the low mids and has a huge sound that is thick and tight while still giving you great feel. It doesn’t seem to fatigue my ears in the mid range and top end. In my opinion great sounding amp and you should try one definitely different sounding then my other amps which I like.
I played a MT15 yesterday in anticipation of what this amp might be like. It had really great, tight chunk and clank straight in which I really liked. It also had a nice character to the mids that I bet would cut the mix better than a Recto but not as good as a British amp. The top end however was lacking detail compared to the higher $$ amps I've played. For the price point that didn't seem like a deal breaker though..? Reading a few of the comments it seems like this may be the same situation with the 100.

Can we get a pic of the transformers? They were huge in the prototype pics.